Thursday, January 14, 2010


I would like to take a few minutes of your time to introduce myself and the line of cars I will be researching, test driving, and subsequently blogging about for your enjoyment and knowledge.

I currently live in Oregon and have always been interested in airplanes and that interest may eventually involve a spinoff blog relating to that. I have taken some Aviation Maintenance classes and hope to be able to continue that phase of my education in the future. However, that is not what brings us here today. 

I have always been somewhat interested in European cars. My favorites, mainly because of the styling, have always been the Lamborghini (especially the Diablo). They are just fun cars to drool over and wish in your wildest dreams that maybe some year you might be able to SIT in one!  But if you’ve come here for reviews on the exotics…. you, my friend, have come to the wrong place.

The main focus for my contribution to this blog will be much more practical for 95+% of those interested in European cars.  In the course of this venture with Ed and Jay, my assignment is to research, test drive, and blog about VW-logothe performance, safety, features, and everything else Volkswagen and Audi. My reviews of Volkswagen, translated from German as “the people’s car,” will be just that: for the everyday, ordinary person to come and find some good practical information about a car they may be interested in buying or just have a casual interest in. The reasoning for reviewing Audi is simple: they are made by VW. Audi is to VW what Acura is to Honda, what Lexus is to Toyota, Audi-logowhat Infinity is to Nissan, and what Lincoln is to Ford. You get the idea, though Audi goes beyond that and does compete in the exotic class against the Lamborghini and Ferrari as well.  One cannot see as close a resemblance of Audi vehicles to VW’s in their body styling as easily as can be seen with the other manufacturers and their luxury brands. 

I volunteered for these because of my experience in my girlfriend’s 2007 VW Rabbit.  My next couple of blogs will be about that car and comparing it to the old Rabbit of the 1980’s and to the new 2010 Golf (they only brought back the Rabbit name for 3 model years). In future blogs I will break down the ins and outs of the 4 main trim levels for the new 2010 Golf especially the new addition of Volkswagen’s famous TDI (diesel) engine. Eventually, I also hope to be able to blog about the other models in VW’s lineup and break into to the Audi realm as well.

Welcome to the “Das Auto” portion of our blog.

Thank you for putting up with my ramblings!

Until next time….

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